Alvin's Art Class in Auckland

(Both Term Three & Term Four Open To Enroll NOW)

After more then 8 years teaching Kids & Adults and organising different art activities both nationally and internationally, Alvin Xiong decided to offer his Drawing Class & Painting Class around Auckland in 2018! 

Before Alvin got his Master of Fine Arts at Elam School of Fine Arts, he had been trained in the top professional Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in China majoring oil painting since 2003 and gained his Bachelors's Degree.

He organised and run the workshops of Old Master Painting Techniques for academy students and professional artist in overseas plus visiting the top museums in Europe to get a further deep study in front of the physical master pieces in 2010 and 2011, which becomes a very popular and successful class both in academic and public environment in China. These classes not only benefit art students, art lovers but also the professional artists.    

So, in Auckland, Alvin's Art Classes will focus on teaching realistic drawing and painting techniques. All the classes include sharing experience, summary the tips from the difficult theories, quick demonstration, etc.. In the class, any art question would be always welcome and would be clearly explained until the student understand the purpose of the technique or the theory. 



Please contact the Art Centre to enroll the class as early as possible, coz the spaces were taken very fast in Term One & Term Two...



Uxbridge Art Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Sat. 10am - 12:30pm) 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Fri. 10am - 12:30pm) 

- Realistic Portrait Oil Painting (Tues. 7pm - 9:30pm) 

- Art Class in Mandarin & Cantonese (Tues. 10am - 12:30pm)

more info:



Nathen Homestead Art Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Mon. 7:30pm - 9:30pm)

more info:



Mairangi Arts Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Wed. 1pm - 3:30pm) 

- Realistic Portrait Oil Painting (Mon. 1pm - 3:30pm) 

more info:


Lake House Art Centre 

- Realistic Drawing Class (Wed. 9:30am - 12pm)

more info:



Studio One in Ponsonby

- Realistic Drawing Class (Thur. 9:30am - 12pm) 

- Realistic Portrait Oil Painting (Thur. 1pm - 3:30pm) 

- NEW- Youth Course Drawing and Sketch (Wed. 4:30pm - 6:00pm)

more info: